Thursday, August 19, 2010

Contest Announcement!

Give us your best story about Eric Northman’s first kill. As a vampire out of control with hunger, a human at war, a surgeon who loses a patient on the table. You tell us! Creativity is encouraged, think outside the box!

If you are a first time writer looking for a reason to pick up that pen- here’s your chance.
If you are a seasoned writer who has been pillaged by the Viking before- show us what you got.

Or if you are only new to contest writing let this be your first effort.

Contest Rules:
All entries must feature Eric Northman as the main character, but all others additions are up to you.

All entries must be a new one-shot (which can be extended or added to after the contest), between 3,500 and 12,000 words.

Entries must be BETA’d, if you need help finding one check out the thread in the Sookieverse forum, or search beta reader profiles by fandom. Don’t be shy, they won’t bite.

M rated stories may only be authored by those over 18 yrs of age.

All genres and styles will be included (AH/AU/Canon).

You may submit more than one story, but are limited to two entries, this includes 1 entry as a single author and 1 as a collaboration.

Collaborations are allowed.

If working within a historical time frame please research for the best accuracy, we are giving you plenty of time, so we mean business.

All entries must be submitted by the contest deadline of Sept 27- 12:00am mountain time.

This contest is anonymous and therefore you may NOT post the completed work to your own profile or any other site until the contest has ended. This is a blind voting process.

A story will be disqualified if the author does not remain anonymous and shares their identity, hints which is theirs. etc. Want to keep this as fair as possible.

Be creative, but careful with subject matter: any story that glamorizes rape, incest, adultery, unnecessary violence pedophilia, etc. will be considered inappropriate and will not be included for consideration. If your story requires a warning to readers please include one in the headings.

All entries must contain a disclaimer, (Charlaine Harris and any other author must be given credit for the ownership of all SVM characters).

Though this is not an exclusive contest for first time authors we do encourage you to get your fangs wet on this one.

Should the number of entries in each category of writers allow for it two categories will be considered for judging and votes, one for virgin and near virgin writers and one for those who have been pillaged by the Viking: the top from each will be awarded. One will be decided by judges’ choice and the other by public vote.

Headers must include:

First Blood Contest


Writer status: 1st time offender(virgin authors),
Parolee (near virgin authors),
or Serial (authors of more than two stories):




Any story that does not comply will not be admitted to the contest profile.

Submitting your entry:

Once your story is written and beta’d please contact the contest hosts at firstbloodcontest @ gmail (dot) com with your story attached. Include your pen name and a link to your profile in the body of the email. All documents must be sent in either Microsoft Word or OpenOffice formats. (Open office is available for free download at or Once reviewed your submission will be posted to the contest profile and on the blog. . Make sure your document is the way you’d like it to appear when posted, as we will not be making any edits for you. What you send is what we post.

Though you cannot pimp your own fic exclusively we highly encourage tweeting, blogging, and posting to bring readers to all the contest entries on either the blog or account. Please check often for sample fics from some helpful authors. If you tweet, it should be for the contest as a whole, not for any specific entry, to be completely fair to all entrants. More established authors looking to alert their loyal followers to the contest (without giving away their fic) are welcome to post a “chapter” with all the contest details above on their profile to garner interest in all the entries. It’s fun to have your followers try to guess your voice/style out of all the submissions.

You can follow us on twitter @ericsfirstblood

Check out our profile on @

A thread will be set up in the Sookieverse forum on for the contest as well for updates and queries.

Mark your calendars:
Sept 1- Contest launch

Sept 6- 1st day of submissions

Sept 27- Submission deadline- 12:00AM Mountain Time

Oct 4- 14- Public votes in both categories

Oct 15-22- Final round voting

Oct 25- Winners, judges picks, and nods announced

Dates may be subject to change depending on the number of entries or other unforeseen circumstances.

Just who is running this show you ask?

SibylVane Vamp -



The Judges:

krismom - -

Vamplover1 -

Please don't contact the judges with questions. If you need clarification you can PM this account, Sibyl, Blood, or huntley, contact the account through twitter, email, or the blog. We'll do our best to answer any questions you may have as quickly as possible.

Judges and Hosts are not permitted to act as beta’s for any entries.

Prize announcements coming soon.


  1. Anyone wanna guest post/pimp on The Sookieverse (blog), just let us know!

  2. I am all for free pimpage, I'll see who amongst us volunteers for that honour. Thanks!
